Tag: Brigitte.Backhaus

[AT] Biodanza meets Tango Argentino; August 2020 โ€“ Registration and Ticket required!

By Martin Matyus

Friday, 21.08.2020 from 20:30 to 22:00 until Sunday, 23.08.2020 until 12:00 with Brigitte Backhaus, Carlos Tapia and Martin Matyus;
Biodanza meets Tango Argentino and the (weekend) Vivencias are a casual gathering of friends who like to do Biodanza. Simply “just” Biodanza!
Biodanza, a system that brings a smile to your face. The seminar “Understanding and experiencing Tango Argentino” is an excursion into the emotions and passion of Argentinean tango with its history, styles and techniques. The unifying elements of Biodanza and Tango show how they can be integrated into daily life.